Tummy Tuck Survival Kit: The Ultimate List
Ok, so you just scheduled your Tummy Tuck, and now you are trying to get the house in order. Meal prep, check. Kid coverage, check.
Now what about YOU? What will you need to have the best Tummy Tuck recovery possible? Don’t worry. We have your Tummy Tuck Survival Kit List right here, ladies!
Tummy Tuck Survival Kit Item #1: Garments
Garments are a key part of the Tummy Tuck Survival Kit. We recommend Abdominoplasty girdles, fajas, or garments after surgery. At Tannan Plastic Surgery, you don’t need to bring your own on the big day. We will provide you with a binder or a garment the day of surgery.
It is nice to have a smaller one for later when swelling goes down and your drain is pulled. Plus it feels nice and fresh to be able to rotate them. We recommend getting the Spanx Level 3 High-Waisted Shorts to wear after you are about 8-10 days out from surgery. Usually the swelling has subsided enough by then and you are able to slide the shorts up and down. Until then, use the garment we provide for you. We close the front-clasps at the time of surgery and you can easily move the bottom part to use the restroom.
While we are on the subject, be sure to stock up on comfy undies so you are comfortable in the early days after surgery.

Tummy Tuck Survival Kit Item #2: Stool Softeners
Remember the first time you had to go after you delivered the babies? It was no fun, regardless of whether you had a C-section or a vaginal delivery. Likewise, we want your first few times after surgery to be as smooth as possible. With the narcotics affecting your bowels, every little bit of help counts!
We recommend starting with over the counter stool softeners, like docusate sodium, for your Tummy Tuck Survival Kit. If those are not meeting your needs after 3 days, then we up the ante. Smooth Move Tea plus Miralax gives an extra boost. Lastly, if you are approaching day 5 after surgery with no luck, we recommend using a suppository at that point.
Constipation is an annoyance that we don’t want to add to your post-op recovery. That’s why prevention is the best medicine. Check with your doctor to be sure that you are following their medical recommendations as they apply to you.
Tummy Tuck Survival Kit Item #3: Pillows
We recommend that you have lots of pillows on hand to help you position yourself right after surgery. It helps to be bent at the hips while your tissues stretch over the first few days. The best way to do this is imagine yourself in a recliner, with your knees and hips bent and your back supported upright. Pillows can get you in this position, and so can a recliner. Do what works for you! There is no need for extra equipment.
If your bedroom is upstairs, plan to be on the first floor for several hours before you make the climb upstairs for the night. You will be getting up to walk every few hours while you are awake to keep your blood circulating. No lying in bed or the recliner all day. Your doctor will give you very specific instructions for you regarding activity and positioning after surgery.

Tummy Tuck Survival Kit Item #4: Ice Packs
Your Tummy Tuck Survival Kit should include an ice pack in the first week after surgery. Most women find the areas treated with Liposuction, like your flanks or sides, to respond best to ice packs. We recommend that you ice for 20 min and then give the area a break with no ice for about 10-15 min. Then go back to icing.
An example of a helpful reusable flexible ice pack is the Cryo-Max Cold Pack. Make sure the strap is not tight around your waist. Instead, you can set the cooling packs on your sides with pillows or blankets to hold them in place without a strap.
Tummy Tuck Survival Kit Item #5: A Supportive Adult
Last but definitely not least – your Tummy Tuck Survival Kit needs a supportive adult. This is the person who will help you in and out of bed the first few days. They will get you pillows for when you change locations in the house. They will prepare or order your meals and do the clean up afterward.
A supportive adult should keep track of your medications and drain records. They will be your cheerleader if you are feeling down. These people are here to help you. If you try and do too much too soon, you can hurt yourself and compromise your results. So let them help you!
For those of you who have kids in the house, your supportive adult should manage the kids, so choose your support person wisely. They handle diaper changes, pick up heavy toddlers and put them in the crib, or drive teenagers to their extracurricular activities. If you care for elderly parents, then your caregiver fulfills hose duties on your behalf.
If you can, please bring your support person to the office with you at your pre-op appointment. We love getting to meet them before the big day. This gives us a chance to share tips and pointers that will help along the way.
Tummy Tuck Survival Kit: You’re Ready!
A Tummy Tuck is a big deal. Following this Tummy Tuck Survival Kit guide will make sure you have the smoothest recovery. In addition, several other blog posts on this website help you plan for the big day.
We want to make sure you have the best results you possibly can. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our all-female staff at Tannan Plastic Surgery. We look forward to helping you on your Tummy Tuck journey!
Would you like to review Before and After Photos with Doctor Tannan? Call (919) 797-0996 to schedule your consultation today!
Folks come to see us from all over. It is common for our patients to travel from all the corners of Raleigh plus Apex, Holly Springs, Fuqua-Varina, Cary, Morrisville, Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Pittsboro, Garner, Knightdale, RTP, Winston-Salem, Kernersville, Clemmons, Wake Forest, Wilmington, Fayetteville and the surrounding areas for our unique approach to cosmetic plastic surgery, Botox, and filler.
If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon and the best Botox injector for you, be sure to do your research! We hope our all-women, all-star team can help you regain your confidence and move forward as the brightest version of you.