Transform Your Eyes With An Innovative Browlift Technique
When it comes to facial surgery, there are many different browlift techniques performed. Female, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shruti Tannan recently shared tips with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons on recovery after various types of browlift procedures. Here we show just how powerful a browlift performed at the hairline can be.
Why Use a Hairline Incision in this Browlift Technique?
At Tannan Plastic Surgery, Dr. Tannan prefers to use the browlift technique of an incision at the hairline. Said another way, she makes the incision at the junction of your forehead and your scalp. This does three important things:
- A hairline incision hides the scar at a natural boundary between skin and hair, avoiding unsightly bald spots from incisions behind the hairline.
- A hairline incision improves a receding hairline by making the forehead shorter. This makes the face look more youthful and feminine.
- A hairline incision allows maximum elevation of your forehead and maximum removal of the extra, loose skin of your forehead.
Here is a before and after from an open browlift at hairline and upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Notice the improvement in her side profile where she no longer has skin resting on her eyelashes. Notice how the browlift brings the hairline forward in the after, improving the appearance of the receding hairline we see with advanced age. A tasteful browlift can make you look refreshed and brighten your eyes.

This is a close-up of the open browlift scar at the hairline. Notice how it follows her natural hairline and is camouflaged by the transition between forehead and scalp.

Measure twice cut once! Here is a real live surgery picture, taken when Dr. Tannan measures the amount of skin to remove. Her calipers show an excision of 15 mm of forehead skin at the tail of the brow. That gives a powerful lift along the lateral peak of the brow.

What makes a Hairline Open Browlift Better?
Older, more traditional browlift techniques were limited by the access incisions. Specifically, endoscopic browlift techniques do not cut out forehead skin, and can make the forehead look longer. And the scars for the endoscope have to be in the scalp. This means there will be three to five bald spots in the scalp forever.
Coronal Open Browlift surgery puts the scar 1-inch behind the hairline, and removes hair and scalp tissue instead of removing the extra forehead skin. The scar for this surgery goes from ear to ear and no hair will grow through this scar.
Both of those older techniques put scars in the scalp. Hair does not grow through scars! That can and will leave people with bald spots (or a long bald line in the case of a Coronal Browlift) on their scalp that will never go away. Neither of those traditional plastic surgery techniques actually remove the loose, extra forehead skin.
In contrast, the open hairline browlift surgery will lift the forehead skin, redrape it, and remove the extra forehead skin placing the scar right at the junction of the forehead and scalp. It is a natural boundary and the perfect spot to camouflage a scar on the face! Just like we hide a facelift and necklift scar in the hairline, we can hide this forehead scar on the hairline, too.
Listen as board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shruti Tannan discusses the browlift and eyelid surgery shown on this page. Watch as she shows how we refresh the eyes with a browlift and upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), discusses “tailor tacks” or provisionally sets tension, and how we decide how much skin to remove.
If you are interested in moving forward with Browlift or Eyelid Surgery our all-female team is happy to take care of you in Raleigh at our on-site Surgery Center with an on-site operating room and clinic. If you are coming for your plastic surgery in Raleigh from Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, Garner, Knightdale, Fayetteville, Greenville, Wilmington or out of state, feel free to call, text or email us. We want to set you up for success in every way – and we are here to help!
Ready to schedule a consultation? Call us, text us or email us! One of our all-female-staff members will be happy to book your appointment.
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