Behind the Scenes Exclusive: Revision Rhinoplasty to Fix Nasal Problems
Get a behind-the-scenes look at revision rhinoplasty with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shruti Tannan. See before & after photos and video of a REAL patient!
Get a behind-the-scenes look at revision rhinoplasty with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shruti Tannan. See before & after photos and video of a REAL patient!
How does Botox work? Learn how muscles express emotion and how Botox works to leave you looking refreshed and less stressed.
Learn which browlift technique Dr Shruti Tannan recommends, plus recovery tips shared in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Journal!
Work with our Elite Injector to build a cosmetic treatment plan that works for you and your unique lifestyle. Find out how we do it here.
A Liquid Brow Lift is a specialized technique used by expert injectors to lift your brows with Botox, leaving you with a rejuvenated look!
Zoom is here to stay, and so is your Zoom face! Here are some tips to look and feel your best on video chats with friends and colleagues.
At some point, we all experience sagging neck skin and other signs of facial aging. Here are three treatment options to help you look and feel your best.
Learn about our new office policies protecting you during COVID-19 at Tannan Plastic Surgery.
Wondering what it’s like to get Botox vs. Jeuveau? Get the inside scoop and watch a video of Dr. Tannan doing the treatment!
Virginia Torres answers the question of what is Newtox vs Botox. Learn the benefits of Jeuveau and then call to schedule your consultation.