Behind the Scenes Exclusive: Revision Rhinoplasty to Fix Nasal Problems
Get a behind-the-scenes look at revision rhinoplasty with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shruti Tannan. See before & after photos and video of a REAL patient!
Get a behind-the-scenes look at revision rhinoplasty with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shruti Tannan. See before & after photos and video of a REAL patient!
How does Botox work? Learn how muscles express emotion and how Botox works to leave you looking refreshed and less stressed.
Learn which browlift technique Dr Shruti Tannan recommends, plus recovery tips shared in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Journal!
Summer is a great time to evaluate our skin care products and regimen. Read on for the best skincare products that we recommend in 2023!
Here is what to look for in a Morpheus8 provider in North Carolina to help you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.
Learn why the Morpheus8 treatment is one of the BEST cosmetic solution for facial wrinkles, texture, pores, acne and neck fat.
Spectrum News interviews Dr. Tannan on “Zoom” surgeries – an increased demand for plastic surgery since the start of the pandemic.
Lip Filler Migration is real – learn what causes “botched lip filler” and how you can avoid it!
A Liquid Brow Lift is a specialized technique used by expert injectors to lift your brows with Botox, leaving you with a rejuvenated look!
Jaw Slimming Botox is a popular procedure to reduce pain from teeth grinding and clenching, while also creating a slimmer jawline.