Liposuction vs CoolSculpting: Which Approach is Best for You?
Two common approaches for fat removal are Liposuction and CoolSculpting. Let’s talk about Liposuction vs CoolSculpting and why you might choose one over the other for your goals.
Two common approaches for fat removal are Liposuction and CoolSculpting. Let’s talk about Liposuction vs CoolSculpting and why you might choose one over the other for your goals.
Tannan Plastic Surgery is pleased to announce the Plastic Surgery Recovery Calculator. Check it out now for estimated recovery times after popular cosmetic surgery procedures like breast implants, tummy tuck, liposuction and more.
Earlier this month, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) released its latest statistics report on the most popular plastic surgery procedures from 2017. Here’s a summary of the most interesting results.
After a C-section delivery, women are often left with a C-section scar and belly bulge (“pooch”) that won’t go away. Here’s how we can treat them.
While exercise and diet are important, sometimes a Mommy Makeover gives us the extra help we need to regain our pre-pregnancy body confidence. How much does a Mommy Makeover cost?
Our cosmetic surgery calculator just hit over 5,000 views! Check it out now for the latest on plastic surgery prices for the most common procedures like breast implants, tummy tuck, liposuction and more.
Hey Raleigh Moms — do you have a Mom Tribe yet? Click here to find several options for meeting other like-minded Moms in the Triangle.
You might be wondering, Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck – which is right for me? Here we discuss similarities and differences to help you decide which cosmetic surgery treatment plan is right for you.
As you search for the best plastic surgeon for you, look for a culture of family to help you achieve the smoothest recovery and best results.
Our Winter Open House at Tannan Plastic Surgery will have demos, giveaways and specials. Space is limited – click here to learn more and confirm your spot!